Absolute Robotics
FRC Team 4308
Our Team
Absolute Robotics is a robotics team based at the Woodlands
Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. We are currently made
up of over 100 students, teachers, and mentors who are passionate
about entrepreneurship, business, engineering, and technology!
Our members gain invaluable hands-on experiences in the world of
engineering, problem solving and business. By competing in the
FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), they develop key skills and
competences that are crucial in our constantly evolving
technological society.
Our Missions
Work together with students and teachers to manufacture industrial
grade robots using simple tools and materials.
Create new solutions to challenging problems by using a
reiterative design philosophy to develop the best solution.
Teach & Learn
Student and mentors alike teach each other the ways to build,
innovate, and finance their team. Inspire students to become the
best they can be at any field they wish to be in.